Making Pancakes
This week all pupils took part in pancake making.
In small groups, they followed a recipe and measured out all the ingredients and then mixed them together to create their batter mix. The children were then assisted by staff in cooking their pancakes. Every child got to eat their delicious pancakes with a choice of toppings from the classic lemon and sugar combo, golden syrup or strawberry jam- we even had some unusual combinations!
In the afternoon, we split off into house teams for pancake races and flipping! Things got very competitive between the teams, with each house being awarded a golden apple for their houses.
It was lovely to witness the amazing team work and to watch our older pupils being supportive and encouraging to the younger pupils by helping with the pancake flipping.

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Anglian Learning, Bottisham Village College, Lode Road, Bottisham, Cambridge, CB25 9DL