Stapleford Community Primary School

Bar Lane
CB22 5BJ
At the heart of the village, Stapleford Community Primary School, a one-form entry school community (Nursery to Year 6) offers excellent opportunities for learners within a supportive partnership.
Pupils are encouraged to develop as happy, confident and resilient learners who take growing responsibility for their learning and behaviour. Stapleford Primary is a well-resourced school, with features such as an outdoor swimming pool and large grounds including a ‘moat’. This enriched learning environment inspires pupils to learn and grow.
School Values focus on CARE – encouraging learners to be Curious, Ambitious, Resilient and demonstrate Excellence. The latest Ofsted Inspection (2022) highlighted that “Pupils say that school is a happy and safe place to be. Pupils enjoy talking about what they have learned. They are proud of their work, and they are proud of what they know.”