The Netherhall School is a highly successful school, set on the outskirts of Cambridge, serving both the City and surrounding rural villages. The Netherhall School has been offering high quality education in Cambridge for over 140 years, boasting a strong recent track record of exceeding national performance targets and expectations. The school’s values are summed up in the phrase, ‘Inspiring’, ‘Individual’, ‘Inclusive’.
A relational school, our belief that every student is an individual with their own unique set of skills, interests, insights and potential. To realise this, the school offers a vast range of opportunities for extracurricular activities, trips and experiences with barriers broken down so all students can participate. Central to our success is our relationship with parents and our community through our I3ParentHub.
Netherhall is an outstanding environment for learning where staff and students enjoy positive relationships and where lasting friendships are forged.
The Oakes College Cambridge
The Oakes College, Cambridge has a long tradition of teaching A-level and Applied course education within a caring and supportive environment. The Oakes offers a full range of subjects, delivered through active learning with class sizes averaging around 12 and a wealth of extended curriculum opportunities. Our teachers are subject specialists with passion, drive and enthusiasm, delivering expert teaching and supporting progression to further education or the workplace.
A strong feature of The Oakes are our facilities. When not in lessons, student have access to a guaranteed study space in our computer suite, learning hub or science library. On top of that, we there is a fantastic pastoral team to support students’ needs and ensure their journey through education is on a safe and successful path. Annual student surveys show satisfaction levels at 100% and we are delighted with the impact of our Oakes council who help ensure a continual cycle of improvement.