Anglian Learning is committed to creating welcoming and inclusive classroom environments, where curricula and teaching methods are accessible to all pupils, and diversity, strengths, and individuality are celebrated. The overall aims of the Inclusion strand are:
- To provide in-depth autism training on the SPELL approach for all schools so they have a dedicated colleague who can lead and advise on autism provision in their school
- To ensure that all our classrooms are inclusive following research informed guidance from the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), in particular the Five a Day principle as shown in the graphic below.
- To reduce the numbers of pupils who experience Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA) through early identification and intervention.
Introducing our Specialist Teacher
To help achieve this, Anglian Learning is proud to have Lucy Millard, Specialist Teacher, who supports our school’s SENCos (a staff member who is responsible for overseeing provision for students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)).

Lucy Millard, Specialist Teacher
Recently, Lucy delivered an extended training programme on autism to our SENCos and will soon be offering this to teachers and teaching assistants. The aim is for all schools to have a dedicated colleague who can lead and advise on autism provision in their school.