
At Anglian Learning, we are creating schools and communities where every pupil feels they genuinely belong. For us, inclusion is about all pupils having access to excellent educational and social opportunities whilst feeling deeply connected, valued, and respected in their school communities.

Belonging by Design

We are prioritising our Belonging by Design strategy, as research shows that when students feel they belong, they are more likely to have improved outcomes. Pupils with a strong sense of belonging show an increase in academic engagement and achievement, improved self esteem and better mental health as well as increased attendance rates.

Our Belonging by Design strategy prioritises inclusive and relational approaches, where:

  • We recognise the value of peer friendships and the importance of staff / pupil connection
  • All communities in school feel equally valued and understood
  • Have clear and unambiguous high expectations and boundaries with support to help pupils achieve them
  • There are opportunities to shine for all – leadership, sport, arts, drama, clubs, trips, volunteering etc
  • We encourage strong, respectful family and community relationships
  • Prioritise pastoral and mental health support
  • Celebrate difference and diversity

Through intentionally fostering this sense of belonging into every aspect of Anglian Learning, we are creating environments where relationships, positive regard towards others and the celebration of personal achievements become the cornerstone of who we are and what we do.

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