A constant dance: a study of values-based leadership in Multi-Academy Trusts

“The findings show that there is not one best way to lead a MAT. Rather, the authors conclude that trusts must strive to be reliably adaptive and that trust leaders must engage in a ‘constant dance’ as they seek to balance different priorities, such as efficiency, effectiveness, relationships, growth, ownership and the contextual diversity of schools”.

Anglian Learning has long been a member of the Whole Education network of schools and trusts. Whole Education very much aligns with Anglian Learning’s philosophy, having a vision for: a broad, balanced, rigorous education; a model of teacher expertise rooted in professional judgement; school improvement that is sustained by informed, informed, respectful leadership.

In recent years, Whole Education has been leading the way in research and reflection about the nature of effective trust leadership, as MATs have emerged, evolved and diversified. Central to this work has been Professor Toby Greany of the Centre for Research in Educational Leadership and Management at the University of Nottingham. Greany’s research has been instrumental in building our understanding of different models of trust leadership and informing our values and practices.

In this context, Whole Education has recently published “A constant dance: a study of values-based leadership in Multi-Academy Trusts”, by Greany and Eleanor Bernardes, Strategic Lead at APSEND MAT CEOs National Network and Freelance Researcher. This research was undertaken in several trusts, including interviews with Anglian Learning colleagues from across several of our schools, primary and secondary, in various central, senior and middle leadership roles.

We are proud to have been able to contribute to this ongoing and important work. We hope such work will continue to shape thinking about how trusts can work most effectively, within a framework of ethics, values and ambitions that both does justice to our pupils’ needs and goals whilst also respecting and supporting the expertise, judgement, wellbeing and careers of all who work in schools.

Download a copy of the report below.

A front cover of a book which has the title 'A Constant dance: A study of values-based leadership in Multi-Academy Trusts

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Anglian Learning, Bottisham Village College, Lode Road, Bottisham, Cambridge, CB25 9DL

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