Our Core Principles

These principles show how our values should manifest in practice. This is how we fulfil Our Core Purpose and realise Our Core Vision. These are our mutual responsibilities and commitments as fellow members of Anglian Learning. The principles must be applied but require a level of contextual interpretation. They must inform our decision-making and shape how we act, at school level, centrally and collectively.

Descriptions of Core Principles

Select each Core Principle below to view their descriptions.

  • Behave ethically, honestly and transparently
  • Act with kindness and compassion, embracing the privilege of working with children and young people
  • Lead with a moral purpose to do the best for our learners, our communities and our people

  • Develop and extend communities to acquire, exchange and enhance knowledge of what works and in what context
  • Implement intelligent, self-aware and self-critical approaches to accountability
  • Promote a culture of curiosity and research, seeking out the best in the system

  • Deploy the shared, collective resources of the Trust to respond to where they are needed most
  • Deliver rapid transformation to improve educational outcomes for children and young people
  • Act on and within the wider system for the benefit of all

  • Embed the delivery of a ‘one trust, one mission, one employer’ ethos
  • Encourage innovation and academy-level agency, though not at the expense of proven and effective practice
  • Celebrate difference and diversity within the unifying blueprints and frameworks

  • Deliberately co-construct, working in a collaborative and distributed manner
  • Enable structures to develop transformative leadership
  • Empower strategic governance in all tiers to shape, support and challenge effectively

  • Codify, simplify and standardise the complex and high risk
  • Release the capacity of leaders to focus on children, young people and the community
  • Achieve efficiency of effort, resource and time

These are our mutual responsibilities and commitments as fellow members of Anglian Learning. Our exemplifications for teaching and operational staff highlight how Our Core Principles are evident in the day to day working across Anglian Learning.

Staff Exemplifications

The following video encapsulates how these Core Principles resonate with colleagues and the importance of contextualisation between our academies.

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