Part two: Meet Louise Scott

Louise Scott, Deputy Headteacher at The Pines Primary School, started her career in EYFS teaching. Alongside this development, Louise has played an instrumental role in the ‘Creativity Collaborative’ research project, supported by Arts Council England, with whom Anglian Learning has a Memorandum of Understanding. 

Why are projects like ‘Creativity Collaborative’ important in improving pupils’ learning experience?  

“As teachers, after you’ve completed your training, there are not many opportunities to pause and think about different pedagogical approaches to teaching and learning due to the time demands of the job. However, being part of this research project where we get to trial and look closely at the impact it is having on pupils is hugely beneficial. Also, makes developing your understanding of teaching, learning and child development a priority. 

“In our primary schools, we often engage in conversations on what reflective practice looks like, talking through the positive learning experiences that are happening in our classrooms, and the impact this is having. Following visits to the schools in our Trust, I can see pupils are getting the education they deserve, as this approach is putting pupils at the heart of teaching and learning.  

“We want our pupils to leave us as ‘life-long learners’, but also acknowledge the other benefits and skills this innovative approach to the curriculum can provide. This research project I believe is some of the solution to ensuring that children develop the characteristics to thrive in the future and prepare them for jobs we do not yet know exist”. 

How has being part of Anglian Learning helped with the collaboration required for the project? 

“I see Anglian Learning as an innovative multi-academy trust that wants to develop an educational experience which places young people and professionals at the centre. 

“The project has created more collaborative thinking within primaries and secondaries, who are both in agreement that we are not so different when it comes to teaching, which would not have happened previously. Leaders from across the Trust can see the value of this project, so it was easy to implement within a culture that is collaborative and not competing against each other. 

“Now towards the end of the project, we are considering how we can continue to develop this method of reflective practice and implementation across all schools”.  

Now three years into the project, do you have a particular highlight? 

“The first ever celebration day we had where we got to share our experiences in the first year of the project. There was a real sense of togetherness with teachers who can see the positive impact the project has had in the classroom. Seeing pupils who previously did not engage now fully engaging with learning. The project felt overwhelming to begin with, but with the knowledge and practice that has occurred, I am confident that teaching for creativity is the way forward”. 

How will the delivery of the curriculum at The Pines Primary School, and other schools within Anglian Learning, benefit from the project? 

“I worked closely with Kerry Darby, Headteacher at The Pines Primary School, to develop the school’s values and thematic-based curriculum during the same time the project launched. This provided an opportunity to ensure the school’s values run through our curriculum but also partly gave pupils ownership of their learning by thinking more creatively with the practices put in place. 

A room with groups of people sat at desks

Creativity Collaborative meeting with colleagues from across the Trust

“From a funding point of view, the project has given schools opportunities to enjoy valuable learning experiences that some communities have not experienced before due to financial restrictions. 

“The impact of the project has shown to improve not only the children’s knowledge and understanding of the curriculum, but they have also developed characteristics such as good collaboration, developed oracy and vocabulary and resilience. Not all the benefits can be measured, with the collaboration between colleagues, knowledge gained and increase in intrinsic confidence of pupils evident throughout all the schools, and to continue developing for many years to come.” 

To find out more about the Creativity Collaborative research project, click here. To read part one of the feature with The Pines Primary School Headteacher Kerry Darby, click here.  




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