01223 340340

Bottisham Village College Host Primary Outreach Day 

Bottisham Village College Host Primary Outreach Day 

On 3 February, Bottisham Village College welcomed primary school staff from across Cambridgeshire as part of an informative outreach day.  Organised by Chris Darling, Teacher of PE and Community Lead at the school, the day was aimed to inform primary schools about the transition from primary to secondary lessons, subjects that can benefit from receiving support from local authorities, and teacher training programs. 

The first half of the day saw guest speakers share important knowledge about implementing and supporting effective PE lessons into the curriculum.  Lee Andersen, Head of PE at Bottisham Village College and Anglian Learning Secondary PE Coordinator the differences between a primary and secondary PE lesson.  This was followed by Ryan Parker, Primary PE Specialist who shared his enthusiasm for delivering safe and exciting PE lessons for all.  Ian Roberts, Cambridgeshire County Schools PE Advisor also shone light on effectively utilising the PE Premium Strategy to help deliver a successful curriculum plan. 

After the opportunity for staff to discuss their best practices, the afternoon started off with a presentation from NHS Dentistry.  Staff were reminded of the importance of oral health in young pupils and were informed how they can encourage good practice to help lighten the current load of free NHS dentalcare.  Helen Slipper, Head of Science at Bottisham Village College led an exciting session and workshop about the learning journey of science, which was then followed by a tour of the school for attendees to see live secondary school lessons take place. 

Chris Darling, Teacher of PE and Community Lead at Bottisham Village College said: “It was a fantastic day where we demonstrated a commitment to working alongside local primary schools.  The level of experience from the presenters promoted high level discussions and opportunities for development.” 

Overall, the day was a great success, which left attendees from our Bottisham, Icknield, and Marleigh primary academies, as well as other local schools from across Cambridgeshire feeling informed and looking forward to future potential sessions. 



Anglian Learning
Bottisham Village College
Lode Rd, Cambridge
CB25 9DL, United Kingdom


01223 340340

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