Pension Awareness Week
As part of Pension Awareness Week, a national event to help remind you how much income you’ll need in retirement and how your pension works, our Chief Operating Officer, Charity Main, wishes to highlight the importance of understanding your pension and asks all staff to log in to their online portal to ensure your details are correct.
For non-teaching staff, you will be part of our LGPS Pension Scheme. If you are logging in for the first time, select your local region on the following link and register your details to create an account: Contact your fund: LGPS (
For teaching staff, you will be part of Teacher’s Pensions. Your single sign on page can be accessed on the following link: Login | Teachers’ Pensions (
Both LGPS and Teacher’s Pensions have put together helpful information and links to guide you with getting the most out of your pension which you can browse below:
Teacher’s Pensions Lifestyle Hub
LGPS Pay Your Pension Some Attention
Charity works closely with both the Department of Education (DofE) and Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) Advisory Board representing academy employers to ensure that pensions meet the needs of employees.