01223 340340

Pupil artwork on display in central Cambridge

Pupil artwork on display in central Cambridge

Artwork by pupils in Anglian Learning’s secondary schools and sixth forms has been brought together to create an impressive exhibition in the Michaelhouse Café in Cambridge as part of the Platform 23 exhibition.

Visitors to the café can view artworks created by over 80 pupils, who range in age from year 7 to sixth form, across two weeks in November.

Anais, Year 9 student at Linton Village College

Lesley Morgan, Arts Development Manager at Anglian Learning said: “This is the third time we have exhibited at Michaelhouse, and it is always pleasing to have the Heads of Art from Anglian Learning schools come together to curate an exhibition which showcases both the talent of our pupils and the excellent work taking place in our Art departments.

The exhibition, and the work that goes into bringing it together, provides an important opportunity for staff to share skills and knowledge, and for our younger pupils to be inspired by the work of older pupils.”

Alfie, Year 7 student at Bassingbourn Village College

Jonathan Culpin, CEO of Anglian Learning, said: “The Arts are very important to Anglian Learning. We hold a special relationship with Arts Council England and benefit from having an Arts Development Manager support the arts in our schools. This exhibition allows us to demonstrate the value we place on art and on collaborative working, and highlights the enriching experiences we offer our pupils.

I am extremely impressed with the high standard of our pupils’ work this year and thank their teachers for continuing to provide an inspiring environment that nurtures pupils’ creativity and allows them to be bold and expressive in their artwork”.

Heads of Art from Anglian Learnings’ secondary school with CEO Jonathan Culpin

The artwork on display covers a range of techniques and media, including painting, photography, and textiles, in both traditional and more abstract styles. The schools taking part are Bassingbourn, Bottisham, Linton and Sawston Village Colleges, Joyce Frankland Academy Newport and Sixth Form, and The Netherhall School and The Oakes College Cambridge.

Anglian Learning, the multi-academy Trust to which the academies belong, is currently the Creativity Collaborative hub for the South East of England, a project funded by Arts Council England and the Freelands Foundation which is exploring innovative practices in teaching for creativity. Anglian Learning also holds a Memorandum of Understanding with Arts Council England, the only educational trust to do so in England.

Trustees Ken Murphy and Carin Taylor

Anglian Learnings’ secondary school principals

On the 13 November, a private viewing was held for the pupils, their parents and carers and members of the Trust to mark the official opening of the exhibition. Members of the public who visit Michaelhouse Café can now view the artwork for free until Saturday 25 November.



Anglian Learning
Bottisham Village College
Lode Rd, Cambridge
CB25 9DL, United Kingdom


01223 340340

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